A furniture upcycling service for Hong Kong
Furniture upcycling in Hong Kong
Year: | 2022 |
Field: | Service UX Design |
Type: | Team Project |
Role: | Concept Designer |
About This Project
Furn.up is a collaborative C2C furniture-sharing platform that aims to raise awareness about sustainable consumption behavior in Hong Kong. This project has been developed as an entry for the Student Service Design Challenge 2022, where it became a runner-up and achieved an honorable mention by the IKEA Group.
Service Concept
At its core, Furn.up is a community-oriented second-hand platform that aims to combat the inert waste pollution issue in Hong Kong. By connecting users who see old furniture as a piece of memorabilia, users can trade unused furnishing items and collect rewards along the way. Once a furnishing piece reaches the end of its life cycle, the platform also provides access to integrated upcycling workshops that teach interested users the basic skills required to create something meaningful out of an old product.
Mobile Application
The Furn.up application is the primary touchpoint through which furniture buyers, furniture sellers, and workshop participants can communicate. The app provides an almost social-media-like experience that has been developed in close communication with the local target group in Hong Kong.
Try the prototype!
Year: | 2022 |
Client: | IKEA Ingka Group |
Field: | Service Design |
Type: | Team Project |
Role: | Concept Designer |