Mirrored Memories

Public interactive installation

Mirrored Memories

Year: 2021 – 2022
Field: Interactive Art
Type: Team Project
Role: Interaction Designer

About This Project

Mirrored Memories is a collection of two interactive artworks developed between 2021 and 2022. The works have since been exhibited at the FabLab To Kwa Wan and the developer studios of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Kinetic Mirror Mockup 1
Kinetic mirror mockup
Kinetic Mirror Mockup 2
Kinetic mirror interaction
Kinetic Mirror Dimensions
Dimensions & size relations

Kinetic Mirror

The first installation of the Mirrored Memories project is a large-scale kinetic mirror that generates responsive mechanical mirror images of its surroundings. Onlookers can interact with the artwork via the camera atop the mirror.

Hong Kong Moon Festival

As an art piece commissioned by the Hong Kong Nan Fung Group, the second Mirrored Memories installation celebrates one of Hong Kong's most important festivities: the annual mid-autumn festival. The design consists of several mechanical paper fortune tellers that open up whenever people walk past them.

Year: 2021 – 2022
Client: Nan Fung Group
Field: Interactive Art
Type: Team Project
Role: Interaction Designer
Moon Festival Model Version 1
Moon festival model (early version)
Moon Festival Model Version 2
Moon festival model (intermediate version)
Moon Festival Model Version 3
Moon festival model (final version)
Moon Festival Model Components
Model mechanism & components



Mirrored Memories is the collective name for two interactive artworks built in cooperation with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the Nan Fung Group, and the FabLab To Kwa Wan. The works presented here show the results of these collaborations.


Using a variety of mechanical components (e.g., flip-dot panels and motorized gearbox systems), Mirrored Memories utilizes embedded technology to create interactive works of art for the public. The installations are controlled via several interconnected Arduino boards and custom-made software.

Nan Fung Group

Based on a project proposal by the property development company Nan Fung, part of this project has been conceptualized as an interactive installation for the Nan Fung shopping mall in the city center of Hong Kong. Thus, the Nan Fung Group played an essential role in the development of this project.

Tools Used

  •  Autodesk AutoCAD
  •  Rhinoceros 3D
  •  Formlabs PreForm
  •  Arduino IDE
  •  JavaScript